Rest In Peace, Fuzzy Poet / August 17th, 2016

Our last day together. Rest In Peace, my sweet Fuzzy Poet.
Our last day together. Rest In Peace, my sweet Fuzzy Poet.

This is how it ends, my friend. Lymphoma. I thought we would still be together at my 50th.

I’m grateful I had the opportunity to spend the past year with you. It was a blessing. I will especially treasure the memories of us walking Lily to and from kindergarten. The other parents and kids loved you, Ghira. You always were a Family Dog.

I’ll always remember the first thing you did for me: You kept me centered and focused through a divorce. And then you and Woolfie met and plotted out a new life for me. A better one. I know you loved me and how I loved you, my little Kelpie!

These are our last pictures together. We were walking down a street and found ourselves surrounded by sunflowers and sunshine. Just like our book.

Goodbye, Fuzzy Poet. Goodbye, Ghira. The time runs away like wild horses and I will see you soon.

xo, Drew
August 17th, 2016